Lance and his mom watching the barrel race at the Cuyama rodeo 1980. I ran and won. They were so upset that a little girl in pig tails came to their rodeo and kicked all the girls butts.
I was 9 and it was an open race, who knew almost 40 years later Lance would still be watching me compete.

Lance said he remembers the day like it was yesterday.. in the picture he and his mom were exhausted. The Johnstons provided the cattle for the rodeo. It was really early mornings and very late nights. There were no cattle trucks hauling the cattle. They would drive them from the ranch to the area they had the rodeo which was in a river bottom… with no fences. It was a long hard week. Lances mom said let’s go watch Kristy win the barrel race. That’s Kristy Boyd, Craig Boyd’s sister. Lol. That’s why they were bummed cause Kristy and Budweiser didn’t win that year. Tammy and Foxy did.